Positive thinking and extra housework? Seriously.
Despite the title of this blog, I am all about the slacker lifestyle. The little voice in my head is saying, "Really, Camille, you are giving the impression that you are a have-it-all-together-and-motivational type of gal." And, people, that is just not the way my reality is.
We will get back to the tough stuff in a few weeks, but for now....
We all deserve something easy and light hearted this week, right?
Something simple, yet effective.
Something fun to make you take a second look every time you pass by a mirror. I thought about going back to the 1st, original challenge. But, then that little voice in my head reminded me that sometimes I am insane and have insane ideas, like trying to convince a bunch of women to not put their hair in a ponytail when it is 95 degrees outside. Riiigghhht.
Maybe we will try that out again this fall.
So, what simple, beautifying procedure must you do all week long to make yourself feel a little extra special?
CHALLENGE.....Pucker Up!
It is a lip loving, lipstick wearing, smooch giving week.
The regulations?
You must wear lipstick all day, every day.
It doesn't matter if you are at the gym, grocery store, or taking out the trash. Your lips should look luscious!
If it fades- you had better reapply.
If you have expensive nice lip stick that stays on all day- lucky you. If you have lipstick from the dollar store like me, well... we shall be applying a little more often.
Kiss someone extra each day.
Be it baby, boyfriend, husband, or Gramps, you had better smack it to someone! That someone must be breathing. So, yes, pets count. No, stuffed animals don't. Now, don't go crazy & kiss the clerk at the grocery store or other random people- just a little extra love to someone you love. If you usually give your significant other good bye- well, kiss them hello also.
Why lip stick/gloss?
Let me list a few fantastic reasons that this challenge is super cool:
It is summertime..almost...and lips like moisture.
If it tastes good, you can snack- I mean smack- all day long.
You can make lip marks on your family.
You can make lip marks on your power bill. It will definitely make the "power bill opener" at the power station laugh.
You can tell people to "kiss off" and mean it in a kind way.
It is the easiest challenge ever.
By-the-way, Chap stick or lip balm does not count. You have to be adding a little pizazz to your mouth!
A few of you might not even have lip stick. Until you make it to the store or raid your daughter's play make-up set, use vaseline for a little shine-but you had better get the real stuff quickly.
I usually apply my lip stick/lip gloss while driving to many undisclosed locations. However, now I have to include it in my home-wear. So, out of the car & into the house it goes. I am salivating at just the thought of all the lip licking fun for the next 7 days..... or something like that.
Here is the lip action in my life:
Baby lips surrounded by chub. Love it. These lips are also attached to me for a disturbingly lengthy amount of time every 3 hours.

Lot's of naughty words come out of these lips. These lips have also been known to be used as a booger vault.

The dentist just found $600 worth of problems inside of these lips. Rap versions of children's church songs come from these lips.

It took 6 months of dating to finally kiss these lips. 3 kids later, that problem has obviously been resolved.

Here are my lips- just crying out for a little color and shine.....and maybe some whitening toothpaste.

Now, pretend those lips are saying good bye & get to it. Go make your lips as luscious and lovely as you are. If you have forgotten how luscious and lovely you are, please click here to the Awesome Me Challenge for a reminder.
Have a lip smacking day.
Hey Camille-
ReplyDeleteSo, I am going to take it upon myself to tweak this one a little. I wear lipstick everyday... all day... to bed... to clean...REALLY! Okay- truth be told, my lipstick is TATTOOED! It has been for about 4 years. (no I don't look like I belong on the back of a Harley!) I LOVE IT! My eyeliner is tattooed as well. So no matter what I am doing- I'm always a little put together. For the most part, this has been a great thing... a good time and money saver. However- it is easy to say "that's good enough." I find myself only putting on the rest of my face when I have somewhere out of the ordinary that
I have to be. So I think this week I will do my make-up everyday. I will also make sure I kiss someone everyday. I think my husband would appreciate a REAL kiss, instead of the fake ones I throw at him. You may be getting a thank you e-mail from him at the end of the week. Happy smooching!
I accept. I'm feeling frazzled this morning (our power went out last night, which somehow WOKE UP the Boys -- don't ask me how that works, I still haven't figured it out myself -- and I am uber-cranky and tired), so I think this challenge just might help me feel a bit better. That, and a nap.
ReplyDeleteMy lipstick is almost gone so somedays I might be sporting MaKyra's pink, sparkley lip gloss. I'll make sure it spices up my lips.
ReplyDeleteAlright...I can do this one! I failed with last weeks challenge. I am ready to pucker up!
ReplyDeleteI did it! I dug down deep into the recesses of my makeup box and finally found the expensive, last-all-day lip color my sister gave me. After applying it, I even put on some tinted moisturizer while the lip color was drying. Then I had to dig around in the diaper bag to find the gloss that goes with it. I'm ready for a week of luscious lips!
ReplyDeleteI am in. I never wear lipstick/gloss so....we will see how I do!
ReplyDeleteI'm in easy enough
ReplyDeleteI lOVE the Burt's Bees tinted lipgloss...pretty and it feels good, too. Count me in! (I know my family will appreciate the extra kisses)!
ReplyDeleteI dont own ANY lipstick!!
ReplyDeleteI only have bath and body works lip gloss because my mom wants me to look more lady like. Doesnt mean i wear it that often,so
I ACCEPT- i will wear it everyday!!! and make my hubby wonder whats wrong with me. yippee
Sorry to say that I had to wait for 6 months to kiss the last lips on this post. Ya'all need a little man, literally, on this blog
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ReplyDeleteI'm good at putting it on in the morning, but it's going to take a special effort to re-apply throughout the day! But it sounds easy enough!