
Thankful MonDAY....... let me count the ways

Few former teachers would argue (or faithful blog readers) that I can take seemingly any topic and write about it to great lengths. Many college papers of mine were filled with page after page of writing that could have been condensed to a short little paragraph. Someday, I am going to start a movement in the education world to give A's to the students who can say the most while writing the least- not who can fill up 8 pages without double spacing. Thank goodness no one started that movement while I was in school......

I digress.

The point is..... my Thankful Monday is going to be a less is more type of post-

1) Today, I love that a recipe which includes Cool-Whip, cream cheese and cake can be considered a salad, (not dessert), just by adding J-E-L-L-O. (and yes, you should read J-E-L-L-O spelled out, in a sing-songy voice).

2) Snopes.com Many friends (and I really do love you all), forward stories that scare the bejeebers out of me, causeing a paranoid-freak-out-mother like me to want a bunker built under my house to hide my children from society. I also get nervous about the promised lifetime of bad luck for not forwarding said scary stories to 38 of my closest friends and family.
If you don't know what Snopes.com is, you should. Type a few words in their search bar & voila! You will find out if your latest forward is a true story or not- I have yet to actually get a true one.

3) Washable markers. This could easily become a very long one- involving lots of "Oh-no you didn't!" and "on a 5-month-old?!?!"

4) GIVEAWAYS! When I first started blogging, I thought I would give stuff away to help me earn money. The Google ads I have on this blog have really, really been paying off- $2.24 so far- That is like 8 candy bars plus tax if I hit the sales right- BUT- I have changed my motivation for all of this- it is SO FUN to read all of your comments & give stuff away- Almost as good as a "salad" with cream cheese and jello......maybe even better. So, thanks for playing along!

And that, my friends, is what I am thankful for today. How about you?


  1. I am thankful for.... tylenol for kids/babies. So you can stop the whining and put to sleep the VERY VERY UNHAPPY AND UNCOMFORTABLE baby. Yep, its one of those days.

  2. I am thankful for little minds that come up with the sweetest comments, off the wall questions and crazy conspiracy theories. I am thankful this school semester is almost over and I found a new blog that makes me laugh so hard I want to cry!:)
    my blog is set to private, it seems only fair if I'm going to peek at you (which could become a regular thing, your hysterical!) than you should be able to peek at me. If you send me an email at adamandtiffanyvail@blogspot I will send you an invite.

  3. I am thankful for a fenced backyard where my little one can play and I can sit in the lawn chair. For baby swimming pools on a hot day, for AIR CONDITIONING, and for NAP TIME.

  4. I am thankful for six year olds. They are so helpful. MaKyra is like my own personal assistant. "Go get the phone. Put this away. Go get Parker. etc." I will be sad when she is at school all day. I mean I will be happy about just two kids at home- well it will be three shortly after, but anyways, she is really helpful.

  5. I am thankful for modern technology, smiles on my kids faces, and chocolate!

  6. I'm thankful that I won the Mikarose gift certificate! Hee hee! And I have been sitting up straighter all week. Every time I remember and realize I'm slumping, I sit up taller.

    I'm thankful for this blog, for the opportunity to work on improving myself a little at a time.

  7. I'm thankful that we live sooo close to my husband's job, that when it's 5:01pm and I'm going crazy being with the Boys, I know that my husband will be home in about 2 minutes so HE can take over with the Boys... :-)

  8. *I agree with the washable markers, I found that one out when my 16 year old was 2.. *sighs*

    *Scheduled bed times. I love it when they go to bed at 7:30 and I get ME time.

    *I love the fact that I get to curl up on the floor with my little ones and read to them after dinner. It's fun to watch them interact with one another.

    *I am thankful for my six children. I almost lost my oldest when she was 5, and there are times when she drives me nuts, but I would feel so empty without her!
