Marriage is tough. Maybe not for everyone, but most, and definitely for "us."
There was this couple from church a few years ago ......... beautiful woman, handsome man, darling children. You know, that couple........ so happy, involved in everything, well known in the community, just simply good people. At the time, my own marriage seemed to be crumbling beneath me. Then, in a light hearted conversation with several women, this woman disclosed that she and her husband had been through lots of counseling to get to the point in life that they were at. I was shocked. I had no idea that real people went to counseling. I was overjoyed. I didn't feel like such a failure. She wasn't secretive about it, she wasn't ashamed. In fact, she was quite proud and willing to share their flaws.
Recently, we have had similar conversations with a newly wed wife and also a family friend that is a new father. This time around though, we were the ones to disclose that we have been to counseling. We didn't just go- we needed to go- we didn't know how to pick up the shattered parts of our marriage and put them back together ourselves. Now, we get to hear how wonderful it is for our friends to know that "they weren't the only ones with problems."
I hope with all hope that most of you can't relate to this post- but I am sure that some of you can. With all of the ups and downs my marriage has had- and there have been many- I have learned many things. One of the most important being to stop obsessing over the little details that really don't matter- but can- in the wrong way- if I let them........ (like my shows vs. his shows, my way of accomplishing housework vs. his way, etc.).
Marriage is work, at least for my husband and I- but it is so worth it.
I look at my children laughing together and it is worth every war of words, every tear shed and compromise made.
I look at my husband working 6 days a week so that I can stay home with my children and it is worth it.
I think of our future and it is worth it.
I am not necessarily where I thought I would be, but I see the potential for life to be better than I ever could have imagined.
CHALLENGE........FiNd jOy in the uNexpEcted
Whatever your "hard work" might be right now, look for the potential. It might be your marriage, your best friend, your in-laws. Maybe the terrible two's, maybe a college course. If just for this week, try to let your burden become your strength- and most of all, don't be ashamed of it.
If you are having trouble with this one, leave a comment- I don't have many talents- but one thing I can do (you can even ask my mother), is find something positive in almost any situation......
Besides, accept the challenge and how can you not find a little joy in the chance to win this:

Lisa Leonard is an amazing woman who makes hand crafted amazing jewelery. I am absolutely in love with her necklaces. Her "Find Joy" necklace pictured above was created for the CdLS foundation in honor of her son, David's birthday. I think it is beautiful. Check out her site & blog- you will see many perfect examples of finding joy in the unexpected.
Lisa graciously agreed to donate the winner's choice of jewelery, up to $54 for this week's giveaway. Go to her site,, and then leave a comment about your favorite me, it will be hard to choose. They are all amazing.
Contest closes Sunday, July 27th, 11:59 pm.
Hi! FOund you through SITS... I can totally relate to your post. Been there, done that... Not sure we were always going to make it...but it has been worth the fight. Going to go look at all of the pretties... : )
ReplyDeleteI'll be back! : )
My favorite is the "Find Joy" necklace, because it is such a great reminder that things don't always go the way we want them, but there is usually an "unexpected" and good reason for it...
ReplyDeleteWe participated in last weeks challenge about Good Posture and we are back for this week!
ReplyDeleteI like the True Love Hearts from Lisa Leonard, beautiful!
I'm trying to find the Joy in this last month of preggo (its been very tiring), my son Gabriel entering the terrible two's and he's only 17 months old, and with the possibility of a big move out of state 2 months after baby is born! Stressful but I keep on praying to keep myself worry free and stress free through this time!
Thanks for the challenge!
phillipsonlygirl (at) gmail (dot) com
What a great challenge! Wow, Lisa's stuff is amazing! I love the freshwater pearl necklace and earrings!
ReplyDeleteThose necklaces were so beautiful. I love "The Open Circle." This challenge fits right along with something I've been working on lately. I've been trying to find reasons to be grateful for everything in my life...even the things I didn't plan on happening.
ReplyDeleteI love this challenge because I often find the bad in everything! It will be great to try to be more positive. And, I love all of her necklaces! They are all so cute...
ReplyDeleteNice challenge. Did you make it for me since I was telling you woes about my children? I am going to work harder at enjoying my children. I usually do when I am not pregnant, but being pregnant puts me in survival mode and takes me away from fun parent mode. Anyways, I love the family tree necklace. Really cool.
ReplyDeleteooo I like everything, but if I had to pick one, I like the wish necklace (dandelion with children's names). Dandelions remind me of my oldest a lot.
ReplyDeleteI love Lisa Leonard's jewelry and am having a giveaway at my blog as well! I love the Bloom necklace and wish necklace. :) Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThis is a challenge that I needed. Finding Joy is sometimes hard to do with staying home, getting in a rut, and having 3 kids 4 and under. I promise to look hard for some joy.
ReplyDeleteI love the Finding Joy necklace. I think for now, that is my favorite- but she has so many great designs that it will probably change daily :)
I really love the Open circle. You were right, it was hard to pick one piece. What an amazing talent she has.
ReplyDeleteHmm, what to pick..and I don't mean by the jewelry (although they are GORGEOUS!) I think that I need to work on relationships..not just with my hubby & Kids, but with my immediate family. I have a hard time not letting my pride get in the way...I need to build and work on making the relationship better and loving...
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite is the "Find Joy" necklace. I also loved the freshwater pearl earrings! I have been pondering this very thought...not in relationship to my marriage, but my son. He was a HARD baby. Beyond hard. I kept saying, "I just wish he was 3!" and sort of wishing time away. And now he is coming up on that age, and I SO wish I could reclaim that time. If I had it to do over, I'd just treasure and enjoy the moments, and find that joy in the unexpected, instead of letting myself give in to stress and worry.
ReplyDeleteI accept the challenge. I can find joy in the fact that my apartment is messy, because I have the opportunity to clean it, and to see the difference that a bit of cleaning can make.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just cleaned my living room, and am reveling in the beauty!
By the way, there's an award for you on my blog! :-)
I am not a big jewelry person, so something simple and meaningful like Lisa Leonard's collection really strikes my fancy! I love the finding joy necklace and the riveting flower necklace. Your posts yesterday and today are just what the doctor ordered for me this week. My son has been super sick with rotavirus (is that how you spell it?) and let's just say I was never meant to be a nurse and I am not going to win any prizes for being the "Patient Mom of the Week." However, I now have a renewed desire to smile through it. This week is an opportunity for me to show my true character. To make it through and hopefully be proud of the way I handled it.Thank you for reminding me of this.
ReplyDeleteThere are many of us who can "relate" - life has it's challenges and that's what helps us to grow. I am finding a huge challenge with my wonderful 3 year old boy who started throwing tantrums as often as he breathes! I am learning to "Pick My Battles" and let the rest roll off my back like a duck. Life is full of wonderful blessings - so, thanks to all the good reminders I get each day - I am trying to find the joy and beauty of the moments!
ReplyDeleteI, too, love the Lisa L. necklaces - I just ordered the Bloom, but it was a tough choice, I love the Family Tree and the Find Joy just as well! And she has a very inspiring story - read it if you haven't!
I loved the Family Tree and My Heart necklaces. So cool! And what a great cause.
ReplyDeleteAs for challenges... how do you pick just one? I guess my main challenge lately is being patient with my Boys. I find that everything my first-born does or says, I have to tell him to stop, or quiet down, or hurry, or ... it just feels like we're always arguing. I'm like Bramhall Family (Hi Alie!), and find that I'm wishing time away: "Oh, when he starts school, it'll be so much better. We'll be apart for 6 hours! When we see each other again in the afternoon, we'll be best friends 'cause we'll miss each other so much!" or "When he's a few years older, we won't argue so much, 'cause he'll have learned to be obedient, and he'll be responsible, and I won't have to police his every move. And #2 will be big enough to fight back if need-be, so I won't have to fight his battles..." Ugh. I need this challenge this week, most definitely!
I am always trying to remember to be grateful for what I have but it can be really hard when I get frustrated with my husband or our living situations, but sometimes the unexpected is the best part. I loved Lisa Leonards pieces. Especially the teeny tiny initals and the stack rings. Thanks for sharing and giving us something to work on.
ReplyDeleteOkay I agree with every single thing you just wrote! Josh and I have been through counseling too and I was embarrassed at first due to the pressure we women tend to put on ourselves, but it was because someone told us how they went to counseling that helped us go too and let me tell you...THE GREATEST THING IVE EVER DONE!! I have learned how to find the positive out of almost everything too and it has changed my life, I am so totally NOT perfect, but I try and thats something right?
ReplyDeleteSo you already know I LOVE lisa leonard jewelery and I really love to wear small "layered" looking necklaces so I love the "tiny squares" necklace and I would do all 3 of my kids names on one chain or I love the "teeny tiny initials" or the "petite original circles" LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
I guess I like the family tree necklace. I'd have a hard time putting my kids names on jewelry, since I don't know if I'm done having kids yet...
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, we have been to counseling. We needed it. I think most marriages could benefit. And most marriages go through the wringer at some point.
How to find Joy in the trials right now? I'll have to think about it.
I absolutely love the teenie tiny initials necklace!!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your challenges every week. Thank you. Especially for this one. For me, being a Mom to 4 little people under the age of 6, is CRAZY. I'm excited for this challenge, to step back a few times a day, and ENJOY what I have been blessed with. Thank you. And thanks for being honest and open about your marriage. It makes me feel like, maybe my marriage is normal. ;)
Uh, this challenge came at the right time! Yesterday I had to start cleaning our Motel again. YUCK!! Its bad enough being a maid for your family but for gross disgusting strangers is hard. You would think if you owned the thing you wouldn't have to clean it. Wrong! OUr person just quit and Jay decided its the perfect thing for me to make some extra cash. So where does the positive part come in. It really will bring in the extra money that is needed right now and I can bring Ashlynn along and not have to worry about daycare. That is great! And the necklaces are so cute. I love the circle ones that say "live fully". So cute!
ReplyDeleteMy favoritewasthe find joy necklace,they were all so cute. Love the challenge.
ReplyDeleteI really like her stackable rings. I am going to find joy in raising my two year old and being pregnant (as challenging as it sometimes seems). You are such an inspiring writer--thanks!!!
I think this challenge was made for me this week....
ReplyDeleteLet's just say it's been one of those weeks (oh gosh, it's only Tuesday! haha)
I love the "find joy in the unexpected" necklace.... love, love, love it! What a beautiful way to help me remember something so important...
I am in...I am going to work on my relationship with my husband...try and make him feel more special. I really liked the fresh water pearl necklace and earings...they would look great on!!!
ReplyDeleteReally good post today I must say!
ReplyDeleteIf I HAD to pick one favorite piece it would be the Faith, Hope, Love piece because I think that is so true of everything (especially marriage) in life!
If I'd be so lucky to win I don't know how you'd contact me so my e-mail is:
Thanks for all of your thoughtful comments, you definitely have a way with words & just know how to say it!
I like the charm bracelet, but I really adore the idea of having my kids' names on a necklace, so I'd have to go with the bloom necklace, or one of the circle necklaces that you can put your kids' names on.
ReplyDeleteI also love your challenge. I have already been doing this challenge. Dh travels *all* the time it seems for work, so it's hard to keep it together some times, but we're trying. hard.
I absolutely love the "Find Joy" necklace. It totally is something I am trying to do daily. I have a daughter that was premature, has brain damage, and is my miracle in life. She shows me, my husband and my son every day what life is about. We didn't expect her to have problems, we didn't expect her to live, they didn't expect her to do anything, and she has proven EVERYONE wrong. She shows us unexpected miracles every day. She is truly my joy in the unexpected. What a great necklace!
ReplyDeleteThe "Bloom" necklace is so charming - and exactly what I need right now.
ReplyDeleteAs is this challenge! My parents finally divorced last September (after 35 years of mostly misery) and my father turned around a remarried 2 mos. later! Talk about UNEXPECTED. And just like that, my whole concept of "family" shattered. It's been very painful on many levels and I still struggle often to "Find Joy In The Unexpected" as I watch my mother's devastation. And yet...I see the peace and the solace she is digging deep to find and I can just make out, on the horizon, the bright future that lies ahead for her as she keeps moving forward. That encourages me to "bloom" and help her do the same.
I was just telling my husband yesterday why can't we be that couple that says I love you everyday and walks hand in hand all the time. What can't I have that? I really loved that necklace thought. When I look at my lovely kids and the struggles that I have with them plus my husband, I do have joy at unexpected times.
ReplyDeleteI admit making your burden your strength can be hard for me, but I will work on trying not to let the ups and downs of owning your own business get to me :)
ReplyDeleteI loved the riveted flower necklace!! so cute!!
I am a simple girl, and and love the "Tiny Squares" with my 2 little angel's names on them. Married for 8 years, my husband and I never had a fight until we had our daughter 3 years ago. Thank you for the challenge, and the giveaway. We are so fortunate, and I need to remember how happy we are together!
ReplyDeleteI really like the "Find Joy" piece. I suffer with depression and I have just recently realized that I don't have to deal with life alone. Life is only as "joyful" as I allow it to be and that I have to ultimately make the choice. You challenge is awesome and your blog has been a great inspiration for me. Thank you so much for your time and giving other women around the world to take the time to appreciate themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt is funny that you have this challenge this week. I have been trying to find the happiness in everything that I do lately. Thanks for reminding me!
ReplyDeletePS I LOVE the rivited hearts!
I just love your post about how marriage is work. It's good to know that there are others like me out there.
ReplyDeleteI love the teenie tiny initials. I would be a perfect reminder of my family. (How could I forget them anyway! :))
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm definatley in need of this challenge. I need to remember to stop and find the joy in raising my three small children. I love them...I adore them...but I am so often frustrated by the constant demands, that I take my frustrations out on them. I yell too much, and I need to just BE PATIENT! I'm in!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...I forgot to say which jewelry piece I like...all of them! But mostly I really like the "Find Joy in the Unexpected" piece. Thanks for the great prize...I hope I win!
ReplyDeleteI love this challenge!! Lisa has such beautiful jewelry but my favorite is def. the "The Open Circle." Love It!! Being a single mom and working full time i feel like i'm not the best mother i can be. I'm going to really try harder (for this challenge, for myself, and my son) to find more joy in everyday stuff this week. Thanks for the great challenge!!
ReplyDeleteI so need this challenge. I've been struggling with work for awhile now. Hubby and I are trying to fix our finances so that I can stay at home with our daughter (and future other children). I like the people I work with and, for the most part, like what I do - but it's such a struggle for me to go to work everyday knowing that my baby girl is at daycare with someone who (although wonderful!) just doesn't love her the way I do. (The tears are coming...) I need to try to look at the positives in working and keep a positive outlook for my sweet husband who is trying so hard to make this work. Sorry for the long post....I think I would have to go with the Find Joy necklace.
ReplyDeleteI love the "find joy" necklace, it is such a great reminder that we can find joy in our lives every day no matter what we are going through!
ReplyDeleteLove them all! I would have to say that new Joy one or one with my kids names would be what I'll pick when I's that for optomistic??
ReplyDeleteLove, love them all!!! I would have a hard time choosong, but if I had too it would be the open circle, find joy or true love hearts.
ReplyDeleteCount me in on this one!
Joy is such a simple concept and yet it can be so ellusive. The "Find Joy" necklace is a perfect reminder. Some of my joyful memories involve spagetti faced children, tooth-missing grins, short arm hugs around the neck, and "I wuv you." And one of the greatest joys is they are all free, replenishable, and never go out of style.
ReplyDeleteSara Dawn
I was feeling sorry for myself today due to financial issues and then I read about orphans in the Ukraine on another blog. What a humbling thing to read. I feel so lucky now that my own little ones are not in such a sitation. I love the Find Joy necklace. It describes my feelings today.
ReplyDeleteI am always looking to the positive, if I didn't I'd go insane. My job is boring, but I love it.
ReplyDeleteI don't get to be home with my kids, but when I do see them, I still get butterflies in my stomach.
I don't have alot of money, but I blog and that is satisfying.
I like the freshwater Pearl earrings. They are lovely. I have too many kids to fit on a necklace :)
I love the newest challenge, how it makes you stop and take a step back and be grateful for the unexpected things in life. All of Lisa's designs are amazing. The "Find Joy" & "My Heart" necklaces are my favorites. I think I might just have to buy one (though it'd be great to win the giveaway)!
I just found your blog off on Blogging LDS women and I have added it to my favorites!
ReplyDeleteI love the Find Joy necklace! What a great way to be reminded of how we should handle lifes happenings! It is our attitude and desire for happiness that can see us through those tough times.
I will continue to participate in your challanges!
I love the concentric circles necklace - it is so simple but so powerful! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteurchiken at gmail dot com
It IS hard to choose but I like the tiny squares and the family tree from her Something Inspired collection. Lovely work. Thanks for the reminder to find Joy again!
ReplyDeletecpamomva [at] hotmail [dot] com
I really love the Bloom Necklace, because it can take on so many meanings. I interpret it to mean that I am to grow to my fullest potential, and that is a message I'd want to pass on to my kids as well. Email:
ReplyDeleteI really like the The Bloom Necklace, thought the Family Tree Necklace is great too! Her designs are great!!
ReplyDeleteThe Sparkle Necklace is totally my favorite! Cute cute cute...
ReplyDeleteIt is hard......I like the oval monogram, the tiny squares and I love the Find Joy necklace.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, you were right, they are all so great! I really love the sweet sister necklace. So pretty! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
ReplyDeleteI honestly believe every marriage has its ups and downs. We have REALLY good times and sometimes REALLY bad times. The bad times seem to come when we haven't put Heavenly Father first in the relationship.... its so easy to get caught up in all the worldly things and think that they are more important than our relationship. Im going to work on making my husband feel like the most important person in my life... not always easy. I really like the key chain holder. So cute!
ReplyDeleteI really liked everything I saw on her website! I especially like the "teenie tiny initials". I could put my 2 sons initials on.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to read your challenge and other's comments about the challenge and know that I'm not the only one struggling with things. I am definitely going to try to find joy in the unexpected!
ReplyDeleteAs for the necklaces-I like all of them! A few of my favorites are Riveted Heart, The Original Necklace, Family Tree and Sweet Sister.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
This is a great challenge. Our marriage is great, but it is work. We're trying to find the good in living with family while my husband finishes his studies. We have a 20 month old and a newborn (1 week old). There are lots of challenges, but I'm grateful for the unity we have with each other in spite of it all.
ReplyDeleteI love the open circle necklace.
I am having problems and needed to see your post today. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI love the rivited heart. Asolutely beautiful.
I really like The Open Circle.
ReplyDeleteI am also pretty good at being optimistic. However, last week was finals week at school and I was a little overwhelmed. It's a very good thing that my husband makes me sit down, relax and spill my guts- even when I don't want to!
I like the "find joy in the unexpected" necklace the best. It's something we need to be reminded of and such a positive message.
ReplyDeleteI love the Family Tree necklace!
ReplyDeleteThe concentric circles and deluxe rectangle necklaces are my favorites...
ReplyDeletemy favorite is also the "find joy" piece. it is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI really like the 'Find Joy' necklace. I feel like over the last 5 years the hits just keep on coming and I got the worst hit of all just 4 weeks ago. Sometimes I feel like there will never be an end to the pain and angst. I have a tendency to finger my pendants so when I wear this one, it would help me remember what it says and maybe that will be some small comfort. Thanks for the giveaway.
OOOOH!!! DO I have to pick just one? I love them all!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite would be True Love Hearts. That is so beautiful and a very special reminder of the man who holds my heart.
Thank you for a very generous giveaway!
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
They are all beautiful! My favorite is the "Find Joy", because that's what I'm striving to do each day. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI like the sweet sister necklace. very beautiful. great giveaway, thanks!
ReplyDeleteAmazing how a giveaway pours in the comments! I love the teeny tiny initials AND the stackable rings.Both are precious and very personal.
ReplyDeleteI love the two tiny squares- my kids both have short names, so they'd both fit!!
ReplyDeleteI really like the riveted flower necklace. You are correct when you said it would be hard to choose. All her designs are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love her "wire charm bracelet" with the winged heart. So cool! You are so right, all of her things are fabulous. It was hard to choose a favorite. I love that they can be personalized. Very nice!
ReplyDeleteGosh, I think the True Love Hearts.
ReplyDeleteI just found this blog through a friends and I love it already, haven't read through much yet, but I love this challenge.
ReplyDeleteI am working at a job I don't enjoy and am over qualified and under paid for and trying to get through a second degree in school and sometimes just so frustrated with life and all that that entails. That said I most definitely need to look for the good, there are so many things I have to be grateful for and sometimes I get so caught up in what I don't have that I don't even realize that great things I have and get bogged down by not having everything I want. I take your challenge to find the good in everything around me, my family, friends, co-workers, classmates, my life.
I *heart* the My Heart Necklace
ReplyDeletejasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I definitely could use this necklace as a daily reminder to experience joy that day. I'm looking forward to experiencing more joy this week.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite piece is the wish necklace.
I really like the Find Joy and the Family Tree necklace. I'm going to find joy in being 7months pregnant while raising an 11 month old.