
CHALLENGE............Media Meltdown

Just over 2 years ago, we moved our little family out of the ghetto in the city to a "fixer-upper" in the country. Since most of our budget was blown on the "fixer-upper" part of the equation, we cut out the "extra's." Out with Kellogg's and in with Malt O' Meal. Good bye bottled water, hello tap. We put a little more effort into opening the windows at night and not using the AC. We did not get the Internet.
And, really, truly, I did not even miss it all that much.....
until we got it back.

After 1 1/2 years off-line, we rejoined this century and justified the expense.
Of course, the plan was to bank on line, pay bills, be able to email.............. then I discovered the world of blogs. At 8 months pregnant with heartburn keeping me awake and nothing but infomercials on tv, I became a woman obsessed.
How had I missed so much technology change in such a short amount of time? And, my-oh-my, have I made up for lost time.
All of the sudden I felt like I had friends surrounding me. Blogging is like having co-workers to bond with. Being a stay-at-home-mom, living out in the country, surrounded by fields, the Internet all of the sudden connected me to the adult world again. I could have a much-needed girls' night out just by sitting on my couch and gabbing through the keyboard.
Fast forward 7 months, and my family seems to be constantly plugged in- one way or another. My children watch way too much tv while "mommy is working" on the computer, working, riiigghhtt. Once the evening news comes on, the TV seems to stay on much longer than needed and I check this blog for all of your lovely comments ridiculously often.

CHALLENGE..........Media Meltdown

Pick your time frame. (For me, it will be 2 days, a full 48 hours).
Go without any media for that time. No TV and no Internet. Depending on your situation, you might want to throw in Ipods, texting, etc.

I am hoping to use my new "free time" this week to play catch- up after the big family vacation. Besides housework, maybe I will be a better mom for a few days- read a few more books & play a few more games. Maybe I will be a better wife- a little calmer, a little more "on top of it." Maybe, and mostly what I want, is to be a better me for a few days- a little -A LOT- more productive and to re-align my priorities.

Can you do it? Will you even consider trying? How much do you rely on the Internet and TV in your life?


  1. GREAT challenge! I could really use this. I use the tv so often to keep my son occupied while I take a nap with my daughter on me in the recliner. LOL :) Of course it is Scooby-Doo or Backyardigans or something like that, but still it is me being a slacker. I will take on your challenge. Good luck!

  2. I'll do it for two days this weekend. It will be rough! I can't do it during the week since all of my work (really) is on the computer.

  3. I think I can handle two days. Thats kind of scary no tv movies or texting. but I can do it.

  4. I have pretty much done this while on vacation and it has been so nice...although, I think it also makes people think you are no longer alive...and they desert you. :)

    Great challenge!

  5. WOW! Great challenge!!!
    I have work to complete this week. But, shall accept this challenge for next! 2 days... That's gonna be hard!

  6. The weekend I'll try for a computer free zone--at least for me.

  7. I can't really go w/out internet since I really do 'work' on the computer. I'd probably lose my job :) I will turn it off for the weekend though, providing I get caught up with my work by Friday night!

  8. I SOOO knew this was going to be one of your challenges! Ohhhh, ok, I'll do it...it's going to be very hard, I can almost see my heart rate going up just thinking about it! 2 full days of no computer...here goes nothing!

  9. I am going to do 24 hours of no TV, Internet, or games on my phone. Maybe I'll finally finish that book I started reading forever ago!

  10. I love this challenge! I did 4 days with no media while on a family vacation. It was so nice to enjoy each other and not compete for the remote control! :)

  11. I love and so need this challenge, I have spent two days watching the first two seasons of Bones on DVD and let me tell you my house looks like it! Plus if you ask my husband the only way he can get a chance to talk to me is to text me, (so not true) but yeah getting away from media for a while would be nice. And maybe my house will finally get caught back up! :)

  12. Yeah, I don't know about this one. My kids could probably handle it. Me? Not so much!!!

  13. This is great!!! I love this challenge. Thanks for your post on my blog. It means a lot to know that total strangers care. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you. Your blog is awesome!!

  14. oooh, I rely on technology a ton since dh travels so much. However, he gets home on Sunday (yay! :) and we're planning a 2 night, 3 day get away (w/o baby!!) so it's a perfect time for this challenge! I'm SO looking forward to it, just being together and reconnecting... no need for internet or tv. Definitely will be using my cell to talk to my daughter, but that's it!

  15. Are you nuts? : ) What else am I suppost to be doing when I'm tired of packing boxes... but should pack more anyway?

  16. The TV is going off for 2 days at my place! But I can't make any promises with the internet...we SAHM's get so lonely!

  17. Oh boy. This one will be tough. Not so much the tv -- well, I guess I will miss that in the morning, when the Boys wake up before I want to, so I let them turn on a movie. But the computer -- well, like you said, it keeps me connected, and I do sort of do "work" on it... but I shall try. I really shall try. I've already blown it today, obviously, but maybe tomorrow, for just tomorrow, I will go without. Or try. :)

  18. At this point in pregnancy, I am in survival mode. Part of the survival is having my kids survive. That means TV - even for a few minutes a day. Survival is essential. Sorry challenge. It is a really good challenge I will do it when survival is not our main goal, but also being a good mom.

  19. Sorry no can do. I CAN"T stand silence. If the tv's not on in the background I have to have music on. I don't actually own an I Pod so maybe I should go outside straight for 2 days and maybe I could handle it. Maybe we should go camping. Oh wait! With a one year old. NO THANKYOU! Sorry...I will wait for next challenge =)

  20. Wow. I'm in. No more internet for the rest of the week. Starting right now. I will not log on until Sunday. Wow. It really consumes so much of my time. Tv, not so much. We dont' watch it too much, as far as I'm concerned. But no more internet. I'm excited!

  21. What a great challenge! I think I am going to try to do it this weekend! I think I rely to much on the media and need to spend more time being creative and enjoying and having fun with my kiddos before they grow up and don't want to spend any time with me at all. Thanks for the challenge...

    By the way, it's Kristin (Bluth) Withers. Remember me? I was Kristin S. roommate at Ricks like forever ago.

    You are so awesome to start this thing. Way to go

  22. This is an awesome challenge. Unfortunately, there were all these blog giveaways this week...bad me. Next week, for sure. I will take the challenge for 48 hours. I can handle no tv, but internet will be hard.
