
A lactating woman's dream come true

This has nothing to do with the Ponytail Challenge, but I can't help but share the best news I have heard in a long time. AND I love the word lactation. He he. It is so weird, so medical. I never say it out loud....somehow it sounds inappropriate, but type it? Oh yes.
Are you ready for this? Victoria's Secret now has a line of NURSING BRAS. After 3 babies, and approximately 900 days of nursing- which would be a minimum of 4000 sessions, I know a thing or two about lactation. As in the last post, now hear the EEEEEeeeeee squeal of delight.
Yes, some of their advertising is risque. Yes, I smuggle the catalogs into my home and hide them from my husband. (I get a little jealous of scantily clad supermodels sitting on my table). BUT, their bras are the best bras ever! I spent my teen years in the D's. My pregnancy/nursing months in the DD's. My post-baby/nursing life is in the B's/C's. The overflow, the sag, the extra and all. Nothing beats a Victoria Secret bra- in any size. Yippee!

*My apologies to my sister who blushes at public talk of bras and such things. I hope I have not caused your head to hang in shame.


  1. It's about dang time! I have endured THREE babies with countless brands of CRAPPY nursing bras! Hopefully there is one more baby in the cards for us- and you can bet I will spending some MONEY on "the girls"!

  2. hillarious.

    enjoy your vs nursing garb

  3. Thank you so much for the tip about the library. We are registering tomorrow! love your site. A little bit of wit goes a long way!
    Jorelle McClellan

  4. HALLELUJAH!!! I loved nursing, but hated hated hated all the bras I tried. Thanks for saving my sanity when I have another kid!

  5. I'm buying one today!! Hooray!! Thanks for the good news. It's amazing how a good bra can make you feel like a million bucks (and that's hard to do when you're lactating.

  6. I was always so surprised when people bought nursing bras in Motherhood Maternity--they are TOTAL CRAP! Hello, NOOOOOO support WHATSOEVER!

    Good to hear there is a good line out! I havben't ever tried VS, but should...hopefully I won't be nursing again for a long while... :)

  7. Yeah for the nursing bras! I wish I had more passion for them. I wore nursing bras and they were horrible. It is about time Victoria's Secret made a nursing bra considering they sell products that encourage us to have kids. It just makes sense.

  8. So now that I'm done having kids they come out with a good bra!! I just always used Vs bras that did up in the front. I couldn't stand any of the nursing bras that I tried.

  9. Woo-hoo! Thanks for letting us lactaters know! I love your blog - I've done some interesting things around my family because of your challenges...I enjoy them very much - keep it up and thanks!

  10. Whhhooooo!!!! Im loving it! With baby number two I just gave up and wore a normal bra.... it was sooooo annoying but I had much better support. Im going to check them out! Thanks!
